My weekend started off on Friday with dropping the kids off at the country club for two hours for a pizza party. I had two whole kid-free hours. And I had too many choices of how I wanted to spend my free time. I ended up going for a run. Just kidding. I've always wanted to be able to say that. Actually I went for about a 2 mile walk. Stella the pup was my walking companion:
After my neighborhood walk, I decided to take a shower. It was oh so relaxing to be able to take a shower without having to scream "i'll be out in just a minute" every few minutes when my kids knock on the bathroom door. After the shower, I decided to tackle some of my usual Saturday morning chores. Numero uno= the laundry. How could 3 people have this much laundry in 5 days? That's just not right.
I ended my 2 hour luxurious vacation with reading the newspaper. I am a wild and crazy gal.
On Saturday, my mom and I took the kids to the Razorback basketball game. It was the most exciting game I have ever been to. The kids had a great time- they love getting all "hogged up" for the games:
Marleigh was on the big screen during a time out. She was so exctied about it that you would have thought she had won an Oscar. It was a fun time!
On Sunday, we went to church as usual. I have been taking a "Boundaries" class at church on Sunday mornings. It has been interesting to delve into setting boundaries for myself. It is ok to say no. Wish I had realized that last year when I was homeroom mom, brownie troop leader, and wow wednesday k-2 kid leader. And did I mention I work full time and am a single mom? Yes, it would have been nice to have been able to say no without the accompanying feelings of guilt. Maybe next time.
After church, I decided to move some furniture around in my house. Miles now has a "big boy" dresser in his room. He is excited that he has his own mirror so if he wakes up in the middle of the night he can see if he has a bug on his face. Whatever. Like he sleeps in his own room. Maybe I should set some boundaries.
It was a busy, busy weekend considering the Hog game was the only planned activity. Weekends sure do zoom by!
Today I am grateful for the opportunity to say no and establish boundaries when needed.